Monday, January 10, 2011

Guilty of Sin?

Have you ever committed a sin and you felt like you have really messed up your once peaceful relationship with God? Do you feel like he will not forgive you because you did it wrong again? Well that is what the devil wants you to think. Now we serve a God whose love should not be compared to the love we have on earth for each other. He does not love us because we are good, remember it is while we were yet sinners that he died for us. Yes when you fall you cannot find the strength to get up again and continue but you have to realize he bids thee arise. Like the crippled man at Bethesda who was in that condition many years. Jesus told him to arise take up his bed and walk, this was not easy because he has no strength and was a cripple. According to our natural state it was an impossible thing to do but in the command on Christ is contained the power to do so. If you are feeling like you need to first feel the strength to get up that will not happen. This is when you have to exercise your faith that the power has already been provided. Once you get up by faith you will realize it is possible and will get back on track.

Now in that situation whereby you sinned and feel so guilty and bad for what you did, confess your sin to God and turn away from walking in a life of sin. Meaning you have to stop continuing to walk in sin and live in newness of life. when we confess out sins it does not mean that is enough, no we have to turn away from doing those same wrong things. All heaven is willing to assist anyone who is focused in keeping the commands of God. Get back to your bible study, if you cannot concentrate on it pray to God for concentration and keep studying. If you feel it is hard to pray, get on your knees as usual and pray then you will notice the desire is coming back. My point is that we should never give up the Christian journey, every time we fall we should always rise up.

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